pfimi@home group
Your involvement in a pfimi@home allows you the possibility to experience various elements necessary for spiritual health and growth. Discipleship, healing, encouragement, and exploring your God-given giftedness are things you can experience in the pfimi@home.
It is our wish that people will grow in wisdom and character. The pfimi@home is unique in that it offers everyone an opportunity to learn, to encourage, to serve, to help, to share your thoughts, to pray and to grow together with one another on a more personal basis.
The groups meet in various sections of the city and the surrounding towns. Here you can meet on a more personal level the people from the Pfimi. We encourage you to go and take a look at one of the pfimi@home group in your area. Should you like to contact one of the pfimi@home group leaders, you will find the information you need in the church foyer.